Sunday, March 11, 2012

A few photographs from a rainy afternoon

Random photographs from an afternoon spent wandering immediately north of the Omaha metro area...

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

near Fort Calhoun, Nebraska

Last summer's flood left a remarkable amount of sand in the area around Boyer Chute near Fort Calhoun. The whole landscape has been transformed into a nearly desert-like appearance complete with ripples in the sand from the wind. As bad as it is, I'm not exactly sure what will become of this land in the future. It will be near impossible to grow any crops and may take many years for this much sand to dissipate. Boyer Chute has always been one of my favorite escapes near Omaha and it just can't seem to catch a break of late. First two or three years of flooding in a row and now this.

near Blair, Nebraska

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice, my friend.