Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today was a gorgeous day

A few details for your enjoyment from a near perfect Sunday afternoon...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Way over yonder in the minor key

Some photographs from this afternoon in far southwestern Douglas County, Nebraska along the Elkhorn River. Fall is my favorite time of the year to photograph. There's just something about the fall light that's just about perfect.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1st

Some days you've got it. Some days you don't. Today was in the latter category. I spent some time in eastern Saunders County before watching an unfortunate performance by the Nebraska football team against Wisconsin.

I did make it to what's left of the village of Wann, Nebraska. Once a small settlement with a church and school, Wann now amounts to little more than a few houses and the structure along the railroad tracks in the photograph above.

For those who may not know, I've been uploading a large number of photographs to my Flickr page, many of which have not been seen before.